Unlock all the premium features of most games.
Earn unlimited coins, gems, weapons, and powers.
Allows you to make In-app purchases.
Unlock all the levels, and you can directly skip to your favorite level.
Last but the most important thing is “it’s free,” free forever.
Well now it is time to run freedom app on your Android machine and here is the step by step guide to do that at ease.

freedom apk here

Freedom Apk Version 1.6.7 Download Officially

Download Freedom Apk V1.6.7
STEP 1 Freedom app is not available directly on PlayStore. So you need to do a little work to have freedom. Don’t worry we will guide you all the way till you successfully taste it.

Firstly, you need to allow installation of apps from unknown sources to your smartphone. To do that navigate to settings, choose security option and enable the unknown sources button. Go to Settings > Security and check > then enable “Unknown Sources.”

STEP 2 The Freedom app is available in the form of APK file. Download the latest version of freedom APK file from the download link provided below. Don’t worry it’s safe to download (Please let us know, through comments, if the download link is broken or not working). Now install the freedom APK file in your Android device.

Click here To download the latest version of Freedom app.

STEP 3 Once Freedom APK is installed, run the app and allow the superuser permission to the app(i.e., root access).

STEP 4 Open the app, and it will display all the list of games installed on your phone. Select the game you want to break free to enjoy the premium content.

This will launch the game, and you can make any In-app purchase of that game.

Note: While you are making purchases at Play Store, make sure that free card is displayed at billing window. This free card will take care of everything. Check the screenshots given below.

STEP 5 Well it is done. Now it’s time to enjoy your favorite game without limits.

Additional Instructions

Freedom app is not available in few countries. So if it prompts you with any such dialog box, then change your timezone to any other country where Freedom app is available. Setting up your timezone to either of Moscow or Kathmandu will work fine.
Freedom no root APK is not available as of now, and we will update you if it is released.
Every time you need to make a purchase you need to launch the game from inside Freedom.
Root Required

Freedom APK needs root access to work at its best. So you need a rooted Android device to enjoy it. Don’t know what rooting is? Rooting is a technique that lets you enjoy the full potential of Android devices. It allows you to delete all the bloatware that comes pre-installed. It also gives you complete control over your Android smartphone. Google it, and you can learn more about it.

How To Fix Google Play Store No Connection Issue In Freedom App

It’s a known fact that this app helps to make In- App purchases like coins, gems, weapons, bullets and other stuff for free using a fake payment mechanism that tricks Google Play billing services and lets you pay for the In-app purchases.

Hence it is pretty much noticeable that it is very much linked with PlayStore. This interlink causes a small issue related to PlayStore which can be easily fixed out.

You don’t need to be a code monk to do that just follow some simple instructions given below.

What’s the Issue?

Well, it’s common problem that arises with PlayStore. When using freedom, PlayStore gives an error stating “No connection” in spite of having connected to the internet. This occurs as soon as launch the app and refrains you from downloading any other apps.

How fatal is it?

Well, this isn’t a thing that dangerous. It can be fixed easily. We guide you to solve this issue in a simple way so that it doesn’t bother you further.

Several methods can solve this error and fix it back to work. We have listed out every possible way to help you out with this issue.

So without any further discussion here are the ways to fix Freedom PlayStore error.

Method: 1

This is a common troubleshooting method that works fine mostly. Head over to app settings and look out for PlayStore from the list of apps listed there. Now click on force stop button and clear both cache and data. Once cleared restart your device and check if it is working.

Method: 2

Earlier we have mentioned that freedom app depends on timezones to function normally. If you are in a time zone that’s not supported, you might get such error. Try setting your time zone according to Russia, which mostly fixes the error.

Method: 3

Well, this is a traditional method for any problem. Resetting the device, which completely resets your device to a reset point. Before doing this back up your entire data and be cautious as it may turn out to your data.

Method: 4

This is a bit tricky but easy to perform, this method needs root access, to explore some config files. So follow the guide carefully.

Set the file system to R/W mode and then navigate system/etc. Path using a file manager. ES file explorer can come in handy.

Now, look out for a host file(the one with no extension). Save a backup of this file in some other location before writing any operation. It needs to be edited a bit to fix Freedom app PlayStore error.
Once backed up, open the file with any text editor and look for two IP address in that. Now prefix the second IP address with #, which will look like- # android.clients.Google.com mtalk.google.com
freedom apk download

google host
Once done save the file and restart your Android device, to fix this issue permanently.
And everything will be working no error will bother in unlocking the apps you love.


Hope you might be having a good time with the freedom app. It is a good installation to keep on the list of must-have Android apps.

Freedom app gives you the freedom in enjoying the full features of Google PlayStore, giving you unlimited access to all the apps without any restrictions.

By now you might have Mastered using the app and might be aware of the freedom it gives.

Enjoyed Freedom? Isn’t it simple? This simple app can let you explore more. Also, share your experiences with Freedom APK and drop the name of apps you unlocked through Freedom App.

Do tip us on social media by giving a thumbs up on our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

Keep visiting ifreedomapk.net for more updates and latest releases of Freedom app. Bookmark us for quick reference.

Do share this article with your friends who are facing this issue and follow us on Facebook to get more updates. If you have any question feel free to comment in comment box Meanwhile, have fun with the hack you made.

Freedom app
Freedom APP - Is It Worth It ?

Freedom app is a small utility that helps you to unlock the full potential of Android games. The app lets you enjoy the freedom in unlocking the in-app purchasing content in popular Android games like Temple Run, Candy Crush, Subway Surfers, and lots more. After using it for while I can say it is one of best app that I ever use.

"This is a testimonial."

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